Essay on Better late than never

Essay on Better late than never

Reva was in her 30s when she started her career right from her home. She started her career as a writer. Now you must be thinking what was she was doing all these years and then started working in her 30s. But it is very easy to ask this question whose answer may be her long and struggled journey. The journey she traveled by crossing every obstacle in the form of personal responsibility and her efforts to travel from nothing to something and heading towards achieving her goals. But, what made her achieve this after a long journey? Yes, it is her thoughtfulness of starting late than never. She satisfied everyone in her personal life to be a good wife, mother, and woman of society. But it’s her internal instinct that never allowed her to be just a wife and mother. She wanted to be something; she wanted to utilize her own time for herself, for her self-development so when she got the opportunity she started working towards it. It was an accidental profession for her that gave her satisfaction and identity to be proud of her. The only thought she believed was she will do something though it may be late she will not make it never.



There are many such examples in which people have started to pursue their passion even in their old age and found success and happiness in what they did. They could reach this happiness of life because they believed that it never too late to start anything new. It’s better to be late in life than never try to attempt it just because of some inhibitions.

There are also some examples of some people that never attempted or tried with simple efforts towards their goal or passion and lived their life as it came. But what they missed is only can be explained by such people who thought it’s late to try for that thing and just let it go. But they never gave a thought that it’s better to be late than never. And missed all those opportunities to see and live life differently just because they felt it late for them.

So this kind of example encourages us as, how one can find their motivation in life at any stage of life. It is important to never lose the spark, the eager to achieve your goal in life. The goals maybe even a simple skill that you may be looking forward to learning. The goal may be to visit a place that you were planning for long, the goal may be to go on a break from a hectic life and live at least some days which are worth remembering. And the last but not the least is, even a simple word sorry or I love you who you may want to say to someone special in life but never said due to some inhibition. So do not wait for the perfect moment to say your emotions to another person. It’s better late than never. Because, maybe it is in your mind for some years but you just think that it’s no use to say this to him/her now, but who knows that the person may still be waiting for your response and it just you that delaying it. So just say it, just do it the opportunities are many and one just look for it. Learn your long-awaited skills, follow your passion and say those special words to a special person. It’s better late than never. An opportunity comes on way rarely so have keen eyes and grab the moment. Never think that the time has gone and it’s no use now. You never know what maybe this is the right time that may change your life and create a new way to live your life with more joy and happiness.

After all, happiness is not what others can create for you but, it’s an inner strength of yours that you have to discover and distribute it with people around you. You should always be an inspiration for others at any age. And always remember age is not what we are age is what we feel. If you feel it’s late it will always stop you to do anything and if you feel you still have the spark to go for what you want then always try to be the best example of – It’s better late than never!

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